Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Current Mood: Gloomy

Rain....go away. I've had enough of your cold moistness.

Where are you sun? I need the sweet vitamin D that you provide my ailing body. I'm in dire need of your postive ions that keep me sane.

Only a few more weeks until the weather breaks and life starts anew.


Anonymous said...

Only a few more weeks, until the weather breaks? In PDX? You must be dreamin', and though us crusty-rusty PDX riders would dearly love to believe this, it' ain't likely. Jan, Feb, and March are usually bloody wet. Heck, April, May, and even June 'taint much better (seemingly) some years. Just keep that dream alive, buddy....

Old as dirt said...

At least riding in the rain when it's daylight is not sooo bad, though I won't be riding my stylin' new bike in that stuff, midweek anyway.